For my first game (soon to be posted here) !CARDIGAN! I needed to hook into the Steam API, and also give players the option to log in via Steam (in fact it's the only login method I want them to use).
I'm a Perl coder, but only found working examples of logging into OpenID using PHP. Which was a good start, and I even had Perl and PHP talking nicely to each other, but I really didn't want PHP on my server (that's another story for another time).
So, I got my head down and just did it. Perling away like a little .... erm .... Perl coding person. (yeah that's the perfect analogy!)
I went with Net::OpenID::Consumer in the end, because it looked easy to implement.
Nek minit! (soz) Actually more like nek day.
After a day of fiddling around, with little online documentation and no real examples to implement OpenID with Steam (in Perl), I got it working.
The last thing that I did that finally got things rolling' was to force upgrade the module, so it currently stands as :
Net::OpenID::Consumer::VERSION 1.18
I was having issues with an earlier version 1.03.
Oh BTW this is on 64bit CentOS 6.7 with Perl v5.10.1
Make sure you have all the dependencies with latest versions installed.
#!perl # yeah IKR! i use set perl as a symlink to the actual executable, my code can be directly copied between environments :)
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);# add your own stricts and stuff up here
use Net::OpenID::Consumer;
use LWPx::ParanoidAgent;
use Cache::File;
use CGI;
my$steamlogin=""; # this is the URL that sends you to the Steam Community login - use this, don't change it
my$dns=$ENV{SERVER_NAME}; # feel free to hard-code your domain here (using server envs make the code more adaptable)
consumer_secret=>$key, # put your Steam API key here (in quotes)
required_root=>"http://$dns/", # this is the root of your site that is doing the OpenID call ( i.e. # )
=>[max_encrypt=>1,session_no_encrypt_https=>1,], # if you get an error complaining about no option assoc_options, then update your modules
if($cgi->param("openid.mode")){# this is just a test to see if the cipt has come from the Steam login page (i.e. the response)
print $cgi->header();# it's very unlinke me to use CGI but this is rushed code
print"Invalid OpenID message";
print"User not set up correctly";
cancelled=>sub {
print"Login canceled";
print"Your verification URL : $url";
error => sub {
print $csr->err;
unless($claimed_identity){print "Invalid OpenID?".$csr->err;}
return_to=>"http://${dns}$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}",#this is the URL of this script (hardcode it if you must)
trust_root=>"http://$dns/", # same as "required_root"
print"Status: 302 Found\nContent-type: text/html\nLocation: $check_url\n\n<a href='$check_url'>$check_url</a>";#this sends off the deets to the steam login page
This is a first draft (but working prototype).
Once verified you can use one of the many Perl web Steam APIs to get the user data,
and create a session file, cookie session or whatever.
Also don't forget to link to your script with an official Steam API button. ( see )
So, yeah. I hope someone finds this code useful as I had next to no help online.
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